Tuesday, 13 April 2010

tell the bees...

that today did not go to plan, and i can be content in that. i don't like changes to my patterns, they upset me. but today i woke up, and work needed me. so i did not sleep in, and i did not go to gym (because i can only go at daytime when there is no one there or I get anxious and unhappy and leave.) but work was nice, productive. there is still hope for the position. i just need to make my proposition to the new manager, and i think she likes me. i really hope to get this. i can't imagine the new pattern, but once submerged, it will be okay.

and now i feel like i am floating away with letting up despite great faults which make me really happy (namely, our younger noise; it's beautiful and drifting.)

tonight i am going to the cinema with jasmin, to see she's out of my league. seeing jasmin is amazing... i cannot wait.

i want this beauty to stay so brightly.

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